I am a carer, student and daughter
Currently I am both a career and a student but also a daughter. My stepfather was diagnosed with motor neuron disease in 2018 and has deteriorated rapidly over the last few years. During this time, I have progressed from study as a HSC student to university. I was really conflicted, the need for study and to get a job was high, however, the progressive nature of his disease meant that time wasn’t on my side. The young carers bursary allowed me to buy educational resources like an iPad and textbooks. It reduced financial pressure on my family, while allowing me to continue care and spend meaningful time with him.
I was able to successfully get through the first semester of university and spend much needed time with my stepdad. I was able to purchase essential educational supplies and even participate in some respite. I am still endeavouring to get part time employment however part of this burden has been lifted. The bursary provided much needed support as I would gladly provide care to my stepfather without financial incentive. But it provides a way for to both support myself and feel recognised for my efforts.